Most of us are well acquainted with the benefits of CAD/CAM technology when used in manufacturing.
Over 90% of Hawk’s customer base has migrated over to a 3D platform to design their product. Hawk recognizes that having an unbroken process chain, from mold design through to the finished part, is critical to its success. We can provide:
Shortened mold design lead times, ultimately reducing the overall timeline of the project;
Simple creation of mold parting line surfaces;
Reduced time to create machining programs.
Product & Mold Development
One of Hawk's strongest assets is our ability to assist in product design with an eye towards high volume, low-cost production molds from the beginning stages of product development. Many injection mold manufacturers can perform product development, but very few have the skills and experience necessary to take your product idea into high volume manufacturing.
Mold Fabrication
Hawk has a working relationship with several qualified local tool makers. Depending on customer requirements, molds can be fabricated in China. All Chinese molds are warrantied by U.S. tool makers.
Cooling Efficiencies
Appropriate cooling design and the resultant thermal efficiency for injection molding tooling is critical for dimensionally stable plastic parts. Hawk associates have over twenty combined years of experience developing and applying efficient cooling designs for injection molding tools. Conformal cooling studies: several joint efforts with Universities (MIT, UConn, UMass) and industry (AMP, Motorola, Ford, Chrysler, etc.).
Mold Filling Analysis
Mold filling analysis helps tool designers save time and money during the design process. Appropriate gating schemes, channel sizes, and cooling designs can be optimized before any machining of tool steel. Hawk associates have twenty combined years of experience developing and applying computer-aided engineering (CAE) to the injection molding process (C-Mold, Mold Flow, etc.). Hawk has World-Class capability for interpretation of computer-aided filling analysis, including gas-assist injection molding.
Hot Runner Technologies
Hot runners are used to control polymer melt temperature between the molding machine barrel and the gate of the mold. This allows for process repeatability, sophisticated tool design, and saves material costs because of direct gating (no sprue) and runner system is required. Hawk associates have benchmarked and worked with industry leading manufacturers to apply new valve gating technologies, cooling techniques, and manifold designs.