Gas-Assist Injection Molding
Gas-assisted molding is a technique that allows for the evacuation of polymer during the molding process by injecting dry nitrogen into the polymer path to create a hollow part.Hawk Integrated Plastics associates have worked with industry leading manufacturers to develop new controller technologies, gas pin designs, and processing techniques. Hawk associates have performed years of process and benchmarking studies for gas-assist molding, and has an alliance with a leading equipment manufacturer / supplier.
Gas-Assist Injection Molding
Gas-assisted molding is a technique that allows for the evacuation of polymer during the molding process by injecting dry nitrogen into the polymer path to create a hollow part.Hawk Integrated Plastics associates have worked with industry leading manufacturers to develop new controller technologies, gas pin designs, and processing techniques. Hawk associates have performed years of process and benchmarking studies for gas-assist molding, and has an alliance with a leading equipment manufacturer / supplier.
Insert Molding
For applications where attachment points require higher compression strength, metal inserts can be directly molded into the part. These inserts can have through-holes or be threaded for any thread size. The inserts have a knurled exterior surface that "locks" the insert to the molded plastic.
Materialographic Samples
Hawk has the ability to perform sectioning, mounting, grinding, polishing, etching and photographing of specimens for examination. The samples may be metal or polymer. This is an excellent tool used for evaluating crack propagation during failure analysis.